Friday, May 25, 2007
10 ways to irritate your siblings
After having more than 20 years of experience to be an elder sister, i've came up with the top 10 ways on how u can irritate them. these methods are tried and proven effective :)
have lots of fun!
1. wake your sister up at 3am to catch a cockroach/lizard/beetle.
keep shaking her and repeatedly nag 'wake up leh, dun like this leh, i cant sleep leh, i am very scared le, wake up le, please la'
the trick is to keep repeating till she wakes up and catch the pest.
2. make sure she catches the pest! demand to see the corpse! if she says the pest is missing, repeatedly nag again 'find leh, i very scared leh, i cant sleep knowing its alive leh, please la, help leh'. Don't allow her to get back to sleep, have some perservance and nag until she cant tahan and she will go and find it. keke!
3. if u have watched a horror movie, wake your sister up everytime u need to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. Using method 1 combined with 2, nag and nag. 'go with me la, i am very scared le, i cannot sleep without peeing, if i sleep with my contact lens, u have to be responsible if i get infection in the morning' keep nagging and nagging until she cant stand it.
4. Make her wait outside the toilet while u are doing your bizness. Every 10 secs, ask 'wei, are u still there?' do this repeatedly for 10 times. she's bound to be irritated. ha ha ha!
5. When i was younger, i seldom quarrel with my sister. I figured i will get scolded by my mom if i do that. So, i thought of an even more brilliant method, i kept their school books. ha ha ha! then watch them search for it in a frenzy. To make the pretence look more real, help them look for it too. the fun part is when she described hw she was punished in school. The thrill is priceless! ahhh!!!
6. Drink their half drank beverage which was placed in the fridge. Leave about a 'sipful' and place the drink back into the fridge. Let them drink the sip and make them wash the glass mah!
7. Everytime her friend calls, pick up the phone
me: 'Hello, Bedok Police Station, this is sergeant cassandra, how may i help u'. Friend: 'ehhh! sorry, sorry wrong number!'
me: 'ok thanks for calling, bye'
Ring!!! calls again
me: 'Hello, Bedok Police Station, this is sergeant cassandra, how may i help u'.
Friend: 'sorry sorry'
me: 'hellO! this is police station and u are playing tricks? its not funny ok!' give them a gd scolding and see their reaction.
ha ha ha! this game is quite fun to play.
8. Or say 'ahhh..xxx ahh..she is shitting in the toilet now' everytime her guy friend calls.
9. if u know she is planning to wear a particular top/skirt/dress and carrying a particular bag the next day, wear the exact thing and carry the exact bag and go out before she does. She'll definitely call u to %$$^&&%#! - very irritated.
10. Lend her half watched tv serial to your friend.
hope u all enjoy yourselves!!!!
posted @ 6:14 PM