I was reading ck’s blog about the composition he wrote in sec 3 and that was really romantic and dreamy.Its’ very weird why people were writing like that when we were in school using those big ‘description’ words and excessive idioms when we dun even write or speak like that now. Ha ha ha ha! Just reminded me of my sis’s composition in pri 3 or 4. I really regretted not keeping a copy of it coz it was darn funny. It goes something like this~
When I read her composition, I was very puzzled for a long time? What’s this thing called ‘gu du’~ lonely??? Then after that I realized that she meant ‘headlice’. Damn funny ok especially when u read her whole compo that is full of open and close inverted commas and ‘’gu dus’. Hahaha!
ZY is also another funny character. That day she was relating to me and kennix about how she fought with her classmate in kindergarten…so the teacher sided with the classmate and scolded her. Then she was very angry and 灭 the teacher. When I heard that, I was thinking about this~ Then I was like 灭? And I can only think of 灭绝师太。。。 The funny thing is, she did not mean 灭, she meant 捏???
posted @ 12:22 PM
someone who loves to eat tofu,
who loves blythe dolls but doesnt own any,
who is always in love with the wrong person.
someone who doesnt believe in forever.