a good end to 2008
2008 had been quite an uneventful year.
the year started with some 'not so gd' news which had been dragging on for some time. i had feared to face it..but finally when i had to, it didnt turned out that bad afterall. it was just a big relief for me and i'm amazed that i am strong enough to overcome it. What didnt kill me really made me into a much stronger person indeed!
what the fortune teller said had been rather accurate. of course i must think he is accurate la coz i paid a freaking $90 for the prediction lei. but i think i may have been looking forward rather positively hearing all the good things he said and things began looking up for me.
i guess its right that when god takes something away from you, it will be compensated with things 100 times better and i'm really glad i let go of the past, stepped out of my comfort zone, took the courage to try new things, changed mentalities and mindsets, make new friends, contact old friends again and i daresay that i have gained so much in the past one year...more than what was gained when life was at a standstill in the past 10 years :D
there are a lot of people i would like to thank who were always there for me. actually, i've never realised that my friends were so important till things happen and you realise that no matter hw much u are close to another person, if things change, he may just leave you forever and only your family and friends will be there for u. i'm just grateful that these friends didnt desert me because i have to admit i was not a really good friend. I am not the type of person who will take the initiative to keep in contact, to ask people out, to show care and concern. But! i will be there if you need someone, but u need to call me first la :P
First of all, i'm really glad that things cleared up between me and my bestie, Jinlin!
I got to admit its really not easy maintaining a long distance friendship. And i felt pretty sad the time where we didnt talk to each other for a while. We had been friends since JC and now she is already a mother of two..how time flies! i'm going to see her again in a few days time (15 days to be exact!). A good start to the new year :D:D:D
My two other besties - Gwen and Shuxian.. my drama club friends since secondary school. we may not meet as often we like but we are always there for each other. True friends are those whom u can be sitting beside them silently and yet could remain comfortable with each other.
Things had also been cheery at work due to my group of wonderful colleagues - my good neighbour who shld be the mascot of neighbourliness campaign Aileen & Ros. My old friends Kennix, ZY, Cindy, Sanis, Van & newfound friends Naj, Yanting, Vivian, Normah who had added lots of happiness and joy and make work and each day so much more bearable. Thanks so much for all your help! Not to forget my ex colleagues- Cacy, CK, CT, KM - i really really miss those days :( (Cacy - i regret nt having lunch wif u all the time! now the immortals left hardly eat :( )
I also got in touch again with my friends at the vegetarian society. Its been 3 years since I joined their gatherings and boy was i glad that i stayed in touch. Amazingly, my old friends still look the same! ahh..must be the diet thingy hahahaa! and i am really glad to make new and fast friends - people like michelle, pauline, bala, joe etc..the december babies' celebration was really a blast! I can never find better paparazzi than them people
Not to forget my other group of friends from the temple - Keith, Melisa and Wenhui. Another group of camwhores!! I do not even own a camera and yet i have more than 100 pics on Facebook all thanks to them people man! hahahaha!
And special friends like Amy - can u imagine we know each other in my vacation job days after my 'A' levels! we may have aged 10 years in number but luckily not in looks wahahahha!
And Shanice too - always helpful to my scrapbooking needs and when i had westy and hiro, u always help to take care of them. although i no longer have them, i'm glad that i still kept our friendship.
And friends from my ex Punggol North office, Tampines Central office, Nakamichi...
8 Top Memorable Things in 2008
1. Volunteering at ACRES
Yeah! i finally got down into volunteering and doing a little something for the dear animals that i love.

2. Visiting NANAS & Animal Paradise in JB
I've never felt so loved and wanted all my life :) but the two places left a heavy place in my heart

3. Participating in a 10km run
Never thought a poor runner like me didnt faint halfway and actually did complete the run!
4. Vietnam
A beautiful country with beautiful people

5. Jeju
Breathtaking scenery, perfect weather, a tour guide who shoots perfect pics (what can i say?)
And having wonderful host like William & family who brought me around Seoul :)
6. Dragonboating
For a 3min passion person like me, being in a sport for more than 1 year is surely something to WOW about! hahaha!
7. Touching and Playing with Tigers for the first time in my life
And probably also the last time coz this so called Tiger Temple in BKK is actually a hoax! Feel so cheated after that :(
8. Acting as a ghost in the office Halloween Party
never laughed so much when i saw a colleague scream and run so fast...hahaha

I can never thank everyone enough. Friends come and go and everyone make their own choices but am glad that you were a part of my life in 2008. Here's wishing everyone all the best in 2009 - may we all enjoy good health, good wealth and experience great love :D
posted @ 10:46 PM